of the winter garden they would know nothing

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Leader board

The same solution each day:  line them up, lead them out into the bright courtyard, stand them up against the wall... examine each of them closely, try to find a difference. But it never seems to lead to anything. They stare back happily, vacantly. They never say a word. There isn't a word to say. They can't say a word. That's why they are here. That is why they are examined... why you examine them. This one's eyes are gray, but so are all of them. You think this gray is darker, more defined, but it could just be a play of the light. Soon it will not matter. Soon no one will even think of them, huddle together out in an abandoned school at the edge of town. They will be entirely forgotten if they haven't been already. And one day you will disappear as well and no one will be left to lead them back again from the courtyard and through the winter garden.

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